Whether you're 2 weeks or 20+ years postpartum, EVERYONE can benefit from this workshop! It's Never too late to make improvements.
Learn Step-by-Step How To:
๐ธ Perform various types of scar massage, mobility exercise, desensitization, and cupping to reduce scar adhesions and improve the appearance of your scar
๐ธ Improve C-section shelf/overhang
๐ธ Flatten & improve the appearance of your scar
๐ธ Reduce pain and numbness around your scar
๐ธ Reduce painful sex, frequency in urination, or other pelvic floor issues associated with your scar
๐ธ How to speed up your healing, reduce scar adhesions, prevent future birth complications (improving chances of a VBAC)
๐ธ Wear scar tape and use products to improve the appearance of your scar
Not cleared or ready to begin touching your scar? NO worries! I will teach you INDIRECT scar massage techniques you can safely begin from the comfort of your home.